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Gift of College
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529 Plans
Gift Cards
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Last Name
1. How did you learn about Gift of College?
2. What prompted your interest in Gift of College and the benefits it offers? Was there a challenge your employees/organization was facing? Was there a problem you were trying to solve for? Did employees request this benefit?
3. If there was an issue that prompted your consideration of Gift of College, how did the challenge or problem make you/your employees feel?
4. What Gift of College service(s)/product(s) interested you?
529 college savings
529 ABLE
Student loan repayment
Payroll deduction
Employer matching
Gift cards for rewards, recognition or new babies
5. Of the products/services you indicated interest in in Question 4 above, why were you interested in each?
6. Was Gift of College’s integration with ADP a factor that interested you?
7. Did you look at other platforms/services (if you can share, please do) and if you did, why did you choose Gift of College over another product/service?
8. How is your employer match designed (for instance, the amount you offer, the frequency with which it is offered, who can participate, any other criteria you’ve imposed, etc.)?
9. How did you decide upon the amount and the approach with which you offer your 529 benefit?
10. What specific or general feedback have you received from employees about offering payroll deduction to 529 plans and about your employer match to their accounts?
11. Were your employees familiar with 529 plans before you offered this benefit?
Most were not familiar with 529 plans
Some were familiar with 529 plans
Most were familiar with 529 plans
12. Of those who were familiar, how would you characterize their participation before offering 529 with an employer match?
Most had not yet opened a 529 account
Some had already opened a 529 account
Most had already opened a 529 account
13. Do you identify 529 with match as one of your corporate benefits in your advertising and materials for new employees and do you know if that has incented any employees to join your company?
14. Has this benefit helped in retaining quality employees?
15. How would you assess the Return on Investment? What factors do you look to?
16. Has Gift of College met or exceeded your expectations?
17. Do you have suggestions for improving the Gift of College experience?
18. How has Gift of College helped you and your employees?
19. Would you recommend Gift of College to other employers?
20. Do you have an employee or two who would be willing to provide a quote about what this benefit means to them or how it helped them to get started? If so, please provide.
21. Is there anything else you’d like to add?