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A high GMAT score is a crucial deciding factor for acceptance into many MBA programs. Taking the GMAT can be stressful as students see their future riding on the outcome of the test. Thoroughly studying for the GMAT is highly advised and there are a multitude of tips and tricks for getting the best possible score.Knowing what is included on the test is the first step. The test is 3.5 hours long, has multiple sections, and only available to take in designated testing centers. The questions on the test are updated regularly and are computer-adaptive, meaning that the questions’ difficulty will automatically adjust as you correctly (or incorrectly) answer them.Taking a variety of practice exams is helpful for studying purposes. Including a variety helps to simulate the testing environment as well as the types and style of questions. This kind of practice will be a major asset come test day. By practicing this way the testing procedure will feel somewhat familiar giving students the best chance to feel comfortable and focused.The infographic below was created by Washington State University’s Carson College of Business online Master of Business Administration degree program and has even more tips to prepare for the GMAT exam. Take a look to figure out how to maximize study time to get your optimal score.